or linked togeather like a train. Setting up the invisible track is best done by placing fixed vertexes 1 meter above the ground next to your water, then move
to desired route and adjust as needed. To link to the sections, view from overhead and click on MWM Sign at 100 meters. Add a driver or tow with a boat.
Set up for 20Ft logs, so to load 40Ft logs, add a section without loads in between. __________________________________________________________________*****Kuid:213782:1010*****_________________________________________________________________
Set as a traincar to be placed on section of invisible track and then moved as you want to get the desired camera view.
Set as a traincar to be placed on section of invisible track and then moved as you want to get the desired camera view.
Set a section of invisible track to the height of the top of what ever you want it to set on, be the ground or another object.
then smooth the ground under the tool. Next move the tool over one grid square from it's leading edge around the slope and repeat to complete your slope.
As for the track traversing across the slope, use my Hillside Road (213782:38009) like a fill, as a base to set your track or road on, so you will not mess up the transition of the slope.
I know is not like real world, but for Auran program is needed for connection points to match in turns.
I know is not like real world, but for Auran program is needed for connection points to match in turns.