Virginian Blue Ridge 2-6-6-6 Steam Locomotive
A boiler section with cab, interior, rear drivers, trailing truck, and seperate coupler used to simulate proper tracking.
An invisible front section supporting front drivers and leading truck.
Wheel slip effect for drivers to be out of sink with each other to create quad cylinder sound effects. _______________________________________________________*****Kuid:213782:900*****______________________________________________________
Virginian Blue Ridge Tender
Coal tender for Alengeny Locomotive with interior view
looking from tender's coal bin through the eyes of the fireman as he looks over top of locomotive cab. _______________________________________________________*****Kuid:213782:903*****______________________________________________________
High Capacity Depressed Flat Car
75 foot high capacity flatcar body without bogeys, requires double axle bolster to complete, to haul heavy loads at the lower level, and long loads up to 80 feet long at the higher level. Query one for single low loads, query two for double low loads, and query three for high loads set above car ends. ______________________________________________________*****Kuid:213782:1213*****_____________________________________________________
Military Transport Depressed Flat Car
Special wide bed flatcar to haul AC MWM M1 Abrahms battle tank and other assets that load rotated at 90 degrees on query one, query two loads single assets that align with the car body,
query three loads double assets that align with the car body. Querys two and three can be used togeather for small assets. ______________________________________________________*****Kuid:213782:1214*****_____________________________________________________
C&O Allegheny 2-6-6-6 Steam Locomotive
A boiler section with cab, interior, rear drivers, trailing truck, and seperate coupler used to simulate proper tracking along with an invisible front section supporting front drivers,leading truck and giving
wheel slip effect for drivers to be out of sink with each other to create quad cylinder sound effects. ______________________________________________________*****Kuid:213782:1600*****_____________________________________________________
Allegheny H-8 Tender
Coal tender for Alengeny Locomotive with interior view
looking from tender's coal bin through the eyes of the fireman as he looks over top of locomotive cab. ______________________________________________________*****Kuid:213782:1603*****_____________________________________________________